

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 1 year, 1 month ago

English Language Specialist Project: 

Workshops in Thailand & eLearning 2020




This is the HOME portal for a series of workshops conducted by English Language Specialist Vance Stevens at various universities and language centers in Thailand intended for English lecturers and undergraduate and graduate university English majors on using CALL (computer-assisted language learning) and technology for blended classrooms. The workshops model how teachers can create blended learning environments using free Web 2.0 tools and websites.


These workshops encourage and train teachers to learn best practices from peer models, in order to in turn model for their students how technology can best be utilized and applied appropriately in their students' learning.  


These workshops were followed-up by an online consultancy from Feb 20 to March 11, 2020

Create_Your_Blended_Learning_Classroom -- 

since carried forward into a perpetual MOOC_Community_Extension and then TALIN



Earlier bookmarks associated with this project

I presented a workshop at the ThaiTESOL 2020 conference Jan 31, 14:25-17:00 in Bangkok

Teaching English through coding using collaborative projects that don’t require specialist skills or even a computer 


These January 2020 English Language Specialist workshops presented the following challenges, depending on topics requested for each day of workshops and time allowed for that day of workshops. Participants can click on the links to get a description of each challenge. 


Activities for

Becoming a model teacher:
Using multiliteracies and 21st century skills and tools in your own professional development 


Activities for 

Writing in tech-enhanced multiliterate classrooms 


Activities for the eLearning course 

Learning how to create and use a blended learning classroom


I also gave a plenary on January 30 at the ThaiTESOL conference on 

The what, why, and how of flipped learning:

Harmonizing diversity by developing skills in podcasting, webcasting, and digital storytelling.

It was recorded in Zoom and blogged <= here



Click here to see Kudos associated with these events



These materials were created by Vance Stevenshttps://learning2gether.net 

for presentation at  ELSpecialist workshops and ThaiTESOL for two weeks in Thailand in January, 2020

and a follow-up eLearning course that took place from February 20 to March 11, 2020

You are free to share-alike and with attribution under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

The date of this update is April 17, 2020



PBworks reclaims URLs when they have not been revisited for a year.

This wiki was visited and altered by adding this text on October 14, 2021

edited Jan 6 2024








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